Friday, April 19, 2013

Signs of Abusive Relationship.

1)One person’s needs and decisions always come first. The other person feels they must go along with it.

2)One of you wants to know where the other person is all the time.

3)One of you checks up on the other way too much – texting to see where you are and who you’re with.

4)One of you stops the other from seeing family or friends. They say stuff like, “You don’t need to see them” or “we only need each other” or “you’re friends are boring”.

5)One of you is a snoop and disrepects the right to privacy – reading texts, a private diary or journal, phone messages, Facebook stalking, or installing software programs that record what websites are visited.

6)One of you feels pressured, tricked or forced to do sexual things they don’t want to do.

7)One person feels scared to end the relationship because they are worried their BF or GF will hurt them, or will commit suicide.

8)Emotional manipulation like “If you really loved me, you would… (have sex/stop talking to your ex-boyfriend/spend every night with me…”).

8)One person often humiliates the other and makes them feel bad (eg. ”you’re stupid/embarrassing/fat /clumsy, ”no one else would want you, ”you can’t do anything right).

9)One person scares the other through threats, pushing, hitting, locking them in, smashing things or aggression –the other person feels so afraid of upsetting them that they just go along with the demands of their Boyfriend/Girlfriend.

10)Jealousy is used as an excuse to demand that the other person has to stop talking to other guys/girls, ex-partners, friends or family.

11)Sending nude or humiliating pictures around of your BF or GF without their consent.


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